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Graduate Union

Administrative Processes

Tuition Remission

  • At least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, generally mid-November), 院系通常应该将有资格获得学费减免的学生名单发送给学校 艺术与科学研究生院(GSAS)助理院长,然后将豁免代码输入学生在Banner的帐户中. A nightly feed will update the student’s account.

Timeline: List of PhD students due to GSAS around July 1 and November 1. This needs to be done at least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, generally mid-November). 在此时间之前发送学生名单也是可以接受的!

Health Care Subsidy

  • Per the CBA, 所有从事9个月单位工作的博士研究生助理都将获得全额补贴.
  • 院系通常应该将有资格获得100%医疗补贴的学生名单发送给教育部 Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies,然后将豁免代码输入学生在Banner的帐户中. A nightly feed will update the student’s account.
  • 如果一个学生有资格获得医疗补贴,以前放弃了它,有一个合格的事件,需要选择加入医疗保险, they can contact Chris Bostek in Student Accounts. 然后,克里斯将引导他们到大学健康计划填写排位赛表格

Timeline: 7月1日至11月1日期间获得GSAS奖学金的博士生名单. This needs to be done at least 2 weeks before bills go out (generally bills go out mid-July for fall; for spring, generally mid-November).

Employed Student Lists Provided to Union Stewards

各院系应将新学年聘用硕士生、博士生名单提供给所属院系工会执事. It is understood that this is a tentative list. 工会管理人员会主动接触新员工,向他们介绍工会,并为他们办理工会会员卡.

Timeline: 在可行的情况下,该清单应在7月1日前发送给各部门的工会管理员. Again, it is understood that this is a tentative list. 所有工会雇员的最终名单将在本学期初由工资办公室和卡车司机直接处理.

Hiring Documentation for Graduate Student Union

Appointment Letters and Personnel Files

As noted in Article 10, if feasible, and except for students in a masters program, 大学将努力在任期开始的学期开始前至少一(1)个月通知研究生助理他们的任命. 大学将尽快为硕士生安排预约.


  • Typically 8/1 (fall) and 12/15 (spring) for appointments (i.e.,资助)(录取通知书可作为聘任书)
  • Typically 8/15 (fall) and 1/1 (spring) for assignments (specific job assigned); for summer, 14 days before work begins

所有工会职位的任命和任命书和合同必须与学生就业办公室共享 Article 13 (email them to


Compensation information is in Article 16 of the CBA. It stipulates at least a 2% increase, which for AY 24-25 will be a stipend of $29,719 for all departments except for the English department, which will be $12,400. The hourly rate will be $19.96 for AY 24-25. 学生就业办公室将每年向工会部门确认每个新学年的增长百分比, typically in June, after consulting with Human Resources.

Instructor of Record Assignments

对于没有9个月聘期但被聘为教授课程的学生, CBA并没有规定工资率,除了按一定的工资率获得补偿 no lower than the hourly rate, which increases each year (for AY 23-24, it is $19.57),以及记录工资讲师(每门课程1500美元)(参考 Article 16). The pay will be $5,460 plus the $1,500 instructor of record pay, for a total of $6,960 for a 1-unit course.

Hire Forms (Formerly Payroll Authorization Forms)

Hiring information should be submitted to the Office of Student Employment. 薪资办公室将不再处理研究生/博士生的招聘. Process information is on our Hire a Student page; the TA/RA spreadsheet should continue to be used and should be emailed to 其他工会职位(包括由外部资助的工作)必须通过面试交换提交. Leave approvers will be designated by department.

It is preferable to submit hiring information for the entire year; if assignments change from semester to semester, 这不会影响工作记录信息,除非工资发生变化.g.(如果一个学生这学期做助教,下学期教一门课). 比起创造一个新的工作记录,提前终止一个职位要容易得多.

Instructor of Record Hiring Process

  • 首席预算官将批准的PT教师课程资金电子表格发送到各部门.
  • 院系聘用PT教员(可包括博士生), 部门管理员填写一个PT教员电子表格,地址是 the Provost’s Office 列出正在教授的课程和教授该课程的讲师.
  • The Provost’s Office sends the student their contract, copying department chair and department administrator; students return their contract to the Provost’s Office.
  • 部门管理员向学生就业办公室提交面试交换雇佣表. 记录指导员通过8个工资周期支付,因为他们直到添加/删除后才输入.

Pay Dates and Start of Employment Considerations

学生就业办公室和工资办公室正在审查工资支付周期,以更好地适应学生开始和停止明年工作的时间(24-25年)。. This year, the pay cycles are: 8/12/23 – 12/29/23 for 9.5 pay periods. The spring semester is 12/29/23 – 5/3/24 for 9.5 pay periods. The 0.5 pay period is 12/29 for both fall and spring semesters. 薪资周期确定后,24-25年度的招聘表格应于截止日期提交.


  • Hire forms due to the Office of Student Employment no later than 8/1 (fall) and 12/15 (spring); for summer, hire forms are due 14 days before work begins.

Note about international students

  • 新的国际学生可以工作的时间与他们到达美国的时间和申请社会安全号码(SSN)有关。. 新入职的国际学生工作人员应提供以下指导 how to apply for an SSN. 根据我们的规定,学生必须确保并出示社会安全号才能继续在十大网赌平台工作 Student Employment Verification Policy.


Office of Student Employment: Julie Bolduc, director, and Savannah Plante, student employment administrator

Graduate Arts & Sciences Office: Sara Simeone, Assistant Dean of Graduate Studies in Arts & Sciences

Labor Management Committee (LMC): 一个由5人组成的委员会,每学期和夏季至少与5名学生会成员举行一次会议. Members: John Labrie, David Everitt, Julie Bolduc, Philip Bergmann, Kelly Boulay (alternates: Savannah Plante and Sara Simeone). 如果有任何问题或疑问需要由LMC解决,请发邮件给Julie Bolduc,

Union Stewards: Geography, Clark Labs, MSGIS: Kwabena Antwi; Physics, Chemistry, BCMB, Biology: Thomas Roehl; HGS, History, English, Education, IDCE (non-MSGIS): MK Speth; Psychology and Economics: Maddie Logan

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