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As a Clark student, you already have connections.

家庭, 朋友, 校友, 教授, 同行, 俱乐部, social organizations, and advisers are all a valuable part of your network. During your career journey, that network will be your most important tool in finding new opportunities.


访问 ClarkCONNECT to check out internship and job opportunities posted by 校友. 在平台上申请,并联系帖子中指定的联系人,讨论是否可以远程完成实习.

Student on phone

How to start? Try Informational Interviews

信息面试是一个向你欣赏的职业或专业知识的专业人士“讨教”的机会.  In just 20 minutes, you can learn a lot — and jump-start your network.

Check out our guide on informational interviews.

Download Guide

80% of 2018 college graduates obtained jobs through networking.

Need help building your network?

  • Friends and 家庭: 寻找新联系人的第一步是联系你的朋友和家人. 和你的父母、教授、老师、家人或朋友的家人谈谈. 首先,请他们帮助你与从事你感兴趣的职业的人建立联系. Once you connect, 你可以开始建立一种关系,或者请求额外的可能对你有价值的联系.
  • ClarkCONNECT 是一个易于使用的平台,它汇集了Clark社区,并为您提供了前所未有的2,500 +的校友, 教师, and parent connections and mentors. 在ClarkCONNECT上,您可以参与学术和职业社区的相关主题和趋势. From these connections, you can discover pathways for internships, research collaborations, networking and employment opportunities, 建议, and guidance about careers and industries. Here are a few tips for making a new connection on ClarkCONNECT:
    • 发一封电子邮件或在LinkedIn/ClarkCONNECT上介绍自己,并简要解释你联系他们的原因,以及你希望通过对话学到什么.
    • 列一个问题清单,当你和联系人联系时要问他们,这样你就准备好了. 这是一个 helpful list of questions 问.
    • Be genuine by demonstrating your interest in your new contact’s experiences, establishing what you have in common with them, and explaining what you hope to learn from them.
    • 对拼写和语法错误进行编辑,表现出尊重和专业的态度. Take the time to craft a well-thought-out message. First impressions are important in establishing new connections.
    • Don’t be discouraged if people don’t respond right away. Let them know that you’ll follow-up, 然后一定要在一段时间后(通常是一周或更长时间)发送第二封邮件。.
    • If you do connect, be sure to send a thank you email or note!
  • LinkedIn 是一个覆盖全球150个行业的7000万专业人士的强大网络资源吗, including 30,000+ Clark 校友. 你可以创建一个免费的账户,开始扩展你的人脉网络.
    • How do I connect with people on LinkedIn? When connecting with others on LinkedIn, 你会被提示通过LinkedIn提供的一系列选项描述你是如何认识对方的. 您还可以选择在连接请求中包含个人笔记, a message that the person on the other end will be able to see. 您应该自定义此消息以描述您连接的原因的性质. In it, briefly include:
      • 自我介绍(“你好,我是十大网赌平台国际发展专业的大三学生……”).
      • An explanation of your common interests or shared affiliation (“I see you were an athlete at Clark; I’m a student-athlete on the baseball team”).
      • 一个简短的“询问”你希望学到什么或做什么(“我希望有机会在你方便的时候通过30分钟的电话了解更多关于你进入投资银行的职业道路”).
      • 真诚的感谢(“非常感谢您考虑我的联系,我期待您的回复”).
    • How do I Connect with 校友 on LinkedIn? To connect with Clark 校友 on LinkedIn, 首先,你需要确保你在领英个人资料的“教育”部分列出了十大网赌平台. Once your profile is complete, simply go to Clark University’s main LinkedIn page and click on the 校友 tab on the column on the left. 一旦有, 你会看到一个正在进行的校友名单,你可以很容易地按行业筛选, 位置, 职称, 公司, 或关键字. 有一件事要记住:当有人用谷歌搜索你的名字时,你在LinkedIn上的个人资料通常是第一个出现的链接.


  • 通过确定与你的价值观和兴趣最一致的人来评估你目前的关系,你应该与他们建立联系,以使你的观点多样化.
  • 在没有正式社交活动或正式求职或实习要求的压力下,通过提问与好奇心联系起来.
  • 通过社交网络寻找与人联系和体验的机会, 俱乐部, volunteering, and job boards.
  • 通过对别人的经历表现出真正的兴趣,并与那些花时间与你联系的人保持联系,来培养你的人际网络.

想开始与校友建立专业联系,但不确定从哪里开始? Here are a few sample messages to help guide you:

Graduate School


我叫Student,是十大网赌平台大三的学生,主修西班牙语和心理学双学位. 我有兴趣在十大网赌平台毕业后继续读研究生,并注意到你最近完成了博士学位.D. in psychology. 我想更多地了解X大学的心理学项目,并从十大平台网赌那里了解你的发展道路, to graduate school, 与职业. Could we schedule a time to speak, at your earliest convenience?

I look forward to connecting!



Career Exploration


我叫Student,是十大网赌平台媒体、文化和艺术专业的学生. I want to work in journalism after graduation; I saw you interned at X Organization during your time at Clark and I’m wondering if you could tell me more about your experience there. 我对新闻领域的知识很感兴趣,很想听听你在Y公司的工作情况. Is there a time that we could schedule a phone call? I appreciate any insight you’re able to share.



Informational interview


My name is Student and I’m a sophomore at Clark. 我的专业是商科,但我想我可能想从事政策改革方面的工作. Since you majored in business and now work at a think tank, 我想听听你从十大平台网赌到政策研究的非传统道路. How did your business degree help prepare you to work in this field? 我们可以约个时间谈谈你的学术和职业经历吗?

Looking forward to talking soon,


这是一个 guide to the Do’s and Don’ts of connecting with 校友.

Download Guide

Contact Information

Career Connections Center

Office Location
  • Shaich 家庭 校友 and Student Engagement Center (ASEC Building)
    939 Main Street
    伍斯特 MA 01610

  • 1-508-793-7258
  • 1-508-421-3752 Fax
职业生涯的实验室 Hours
  • The 职业生涯的实验室 offers on-demand reviews of resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles 12 – 4 pm weekdays. 上传你的文件,或者在握手上预约职业实验室!